A collage with nursing students and clinicians painting, interacting with the cart, and doing yoga.

Compassionate Care Initiative

The Compassionate Care Initiative exists to advance compassionate care as a professional work ethic in healthcare and a defining value of University of Virginia School of Nursing. Compassion involves recognizing and alleviating suffering, not just for patients but also for health workers and organizations, ultimately benefiting society.

In our work, we seek to:

  • Explore and understand the means through which health workers develop, renew, and sustain compassionate care.
  • Foster and teach skills that support students and health workers to overcome challenges, to care and advocate for themselves and their teams, and to provide safe and exceptional care for their patients.
  • Inspire students, faculty, staff, clinicians, and community members to use their voices, take compassionate action, and lead change in healthcare from the bedside to systems and to society.

Our team members often provide guest lectures and professional development opportunities on topics such as:

  • compassionate communication
  • mattering in healthcare
  • growing healthy work and learning environments in academic healthcare
  • mindful leadership

If you'd like to request our services, contact us.  

Compassionate Care Research Symposium
March 21, 9 AM - 12 PM
McLeod 5060 (in-person only)

Get a look at some of the compassionate care-focused research going on in the School of Nursing, work that aims to alleviate suffering by advancing the well-being of patients, families, organizations, and communities. Students, post-doctoral fellows, and faculty members will offer a series of brief “lightning” talks at this inaugural event that will foster collaboration, dialogue, and opportunities for networking. Co-sponsored by the School's Compassionate Care Research and the Compassionate Care Initiative. 


Ten Self-Care Superpowers You Probably Didn't Know You Had
April 17, 12 - 1 PM
On Zoom

An hour-long Zoom with School of Nursing professor Natalie May that takes a deep, sometimes humorous dive into the evidence-based tenets of self-care. Eligible for Hoos Well Rewards and sponsored by UVA Health's Faculty Employee Assistance Program (UVA FEAP).


The Student Ambassadors are primarily undergraduate and graduate nursing students, but also sometimes include medical students and students from the College of Arts and Sciences. They meet regularly and develop programs that model compassionate care principles in the learning environment, cultivating wellness and community.

Student Ambassadors also have the opportunity to volunteer to round with the CCI Cart at UVA Health. 

Membership is voluntary. If you would like to become a Student Ambassador, contact Emma Hennesey

Areas of Influence

headshot of Lili Powell
Director, Compassionate Care Initiative
Julie Logan Sands Associate Professor, Darden School of Business; Associate Professor, School of Nursing
Virginia LeBaron headshot
The Kluge-Schakat Associate Professor of Compassionate Care in Nursing
Hannah Crosby headshot
Assistant Director, Compassionate Care Initiative
Natalie May headshot
Associate Professor of Research
Julie Haizlip headshot
Clinical Professor of Nursing
Professor of Pediatrics and Professor of Anesthesiology, UVA School of Medicine
Richard Westphal headshot
Professor of Nursing; Woodard Clinical Scholar in the School of Nursing
Co-Director, Wisdom and Wellbeing, UVA Health
Amber Steen headshot
Program Director, Compassionate Care Research
Carmen Diaz headshot
Post-doctoral Fellow/Research Associate in Nursing
A student sitting on a small bridge overlooking a pond, writing in a journal.

"The instructors made self-compassion and mindfulness activities approachable."

- 3rd-year nursing student


"It was a safe space, and everyone was more relaxed than I have ever seen them."

- 4th-year nursing student

Two clinicians smile as they pet a therapy dog on the unit.

"All day today I have heard from staff about how wonderful it was to have the snacks and most particularly the sweet doggie you brought yesterday...it was quite a boost for the morality of my hard-working co-workers."

- Operating Room Nurse

"Our staff was so appreciative of everything.  They have asked me to lead a little stretch with them each afternoon!!! Thanks again for providing such a great service to the Health System."

- Clinical Pharmacist 

New nurses in an orientation class.

As part of UVA Health University Medical Center's NRP, CCI supports the well-being of new nurses by providing education in self-care and resilience, using evidence-based practices that foster everyday mindfulness, mattering, and compassion for themselves and others. What do participants have to say?

"I will now be more mindful of my emotional response when adversity comes."

"I will find more ways to personally create joy in the workplace and in my personal life as well."

A tiny plant sprouting from the soil.

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn for our #ThrivingThursdays social media campaign. Each month we introduce a new theme. Then weekly posts feature variations on the theme - first with individual self-care tips, then team care suggestions, and lastly leadership presence practices. 

In February we were all about love. What will the theme be in March? Follow us to find out! Links in the footer. 

Blue sticky note with the words You Matter written on them

"It is meaning that gets us into healthcare. It is mattering that keeps us there."

- Julie Haizlip, MD, MAPP

Learn more about our research on Mattering in Healthcare.